The water industry is critical to the health and wellbeing of our communities and economy of Australia.
Despite the numerous career options and pathways within the industry and opportunities to undertake a rewarding role, the sector faces challenges in recruiting and retaining people in water related roles.
This Toolkit, funded through QWRAP, aims to provide qldwater member organisations with a range of practical solutions on the recruitment and retention of Water / Wastewater Operators. Several approaches included in this toolkit are already in place within member organisations, and are based on contemporary human resource practice. qldwater acknowledges not all inclusions will be relevant across member organisations given the differing levels of resourcing, staffing and operational requirements.
The intention is to review and update this toolkit every 3 years. qldwater welcomes input from its members regarding any initiatives and / or valuable services / partner organisations that are making a real difference in recruiting and retaining Water / Wastewater Operators. Feedback is welcomed outside of a review year, particularly as IR/HR practices, funding arrangements and/or industrial instruments are updated from time to time.