training, attraction programs
The Queensland Water Regional Alliances Program (QWRAP) is Government funded program to drive collaboration on water and sewerage services in regional Queensland.
The program is a collaboration among the Queensland Water Directorate (qldwater), Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) and the Queensland Government, through the Department of Local Government, Water and Volunteers (DLGWV) and over 60 participating regional councils.
Queensland Government is the main sponsor of the program providing $2 million funding each year.
Participating local government service providers provide both in-kind and financial contributions for the projects initiated by their regions. Participating local governments, as a regional group, apply for bidpool funding to deliver initiatives that respond to challenges they face of remoteness and or size. Projects focus on building capacity, capability, systems and processes. QWRAP does not provide funding for capital works.
training, attraction programs
standardised procurement specifications
artificial intelligence, CCTV, SCADA common room
standardised D & C, Asset Management
QWRAP research has focussed on a series of issues with the aim of informing council deliberation about regional collaboration and the importance of reform of the urban water industry. A common element has been the analysis of the costs, benefits, risks and opportunities associated with regionalisation of Queensland water and sewerage services.
The QWRAP Annual Reports highlight the steady growth of the program, from three pilot regions to nine in 2024, covering most of Queensland outside the SEQ region.
QWRAP is overseen by three partners – the Queensland Government, Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) and Queensland Water Directorate (qldwater).
Decisions regarding QWRAP activities are determined by the Executive level representatives across the three organisations.