Our Regions


  • 2010

    Productivity Commission review calling for a restructuring of the Queensland regional sector. “There is a strong case for undertaking aggregation of small water and wastewater utilities in regional areas of New South Wales and Queensland. The precise approach — including identification of affected councils and the preferred grouping of councils — should be assessed and determined by relevant State Governments, in consultation with Local Governments and affected communities”

  • 2011

    LGAQ and qldwater responded to the recommendations by proposing an industry-led rather than top-down review of potential collaborative arrangements and in late July 2011, LGAQ and qldwater commenced the Queensland Water Regional Alliance Program (QWRAP) with funding support from the Queensland Government.

  • 2012

    The Central Western Queensland Remote Area Planning and Development (RAPAD) Board acted to jointly improve urban water services in the region, forming the Outback Regional Water Group.