252,542km2 (14.36%)
Far North Queensland Water Alliance (FNQWA)
- Size: / Percentage of QLD land mass
- Percentage of QLD population
263,914 (4.83%)
- Total connected properties – water
- Length of water mains
- Total connected properties – sewerage
- Length of sewerage mains
The Far North Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils (FNQROC) was established in the 1980s and represents twelve member Councils from Hinchinbrook to Cooktown in Far North Queensland.
This area covers 1,235 km of the eastern seaboard with a land area of 252,542 square km (which is larger than the State of Victoria) and a population of approximately 280,330. Gross regional product is $16.72 billion, and it is the largest and fastest growing region in Northern Australia.
The group has been progressing the FNQ Regional Water Capability Project, developing a detailed plan that addresses the most challenging issues impacting its water and wastewater businesses. The plan involves four stages:
- Stage 1 – Identifying the areas of water and wastewater that pose the most significant capability challenges through a series of workshops and a detailed survey undertaken by the Queensland Treasury Corporation (QTC). The capability challenges and causation factors were analysed for both core and business functions, and primary causation factors were identified.
- Stage 2 – The findings were then workshopped and the initiatives that the Water Alliance wished to investigate were identified in relation to people, systems & data and processes.
- Stage 3 – QWRAP Bid Pool and Jobs Queensland supported project to undertake an options analysis which will lead to the development of a Capability Plan along with an implementation plan with prioritised short, medium and long-term actions.
- Stage 4 – Implementation of agreed solutions.
Regional Coordinator
Amanda Hancock
QWRAPFNQROC Executive Officer
Darlene Irvine
FNQ Success Stories
FNQ Water Alliance Regional Water Capability Plan
The FNQ Water Alliance team is building strategic workforce capability for all water entities across the region.
The Silver Lining in FNQ Sewers
The FNQWA joint sewer relining program has led to considerable savings for FNQ communities.